People tell me all the time I'm crazy ...
Maybe that doesn't have anything to do with my shift though ... but we'll pretend it does ...
I've always been a night person ... I've always detested alarm clocks ... and I've always, always had insomnia ... that alone explains part of why I like working nights ... my current shift is midnight-7am Monday thru Thursday nights and then 7pm - 7am Sundays ... although my position is PRN (basically on call so a lot of weeks I don't work all those nights) ...
But ... the main reason I work nights ... the reason I seek out night shifts ... is that it is
the least disruptive to my kids who have had a stay at home mom their whole little lives ...
I can still go to class parties and field trips ... stay home and comfort sick kids ... I'm there to take them to school ... to pick them up from school ... for all their sporting events ... and (except on Sundays) ... they're asleep through my entire shift ... they don't even really realize that I'm gone ... I may be exhausted for doing things during the day (this week was field day ... and they split it up by grade so I had to go on Monday and Tuesday ... making me sleepless for almost forty-eight hours) but in the end it is the best balance I have found for me and my family so that I can work and still be a part of their lives ... now, on school breaks and during the summer it gets a little challenging ... but my kids are old enough to technically be there alone ... my oldest is a Red Cross certified babysitter ... and I'm there ... I'm just sleeping ... okay so maybe they do things like make bologna and honey sandwiches (tasty I know) ... but they also come and snuggle with me while I'm sleeping ... I wake up long enough to realize they are there ... wrap my arms around them and go back to sleep ...
Also, I am a nursing student and night shifts do tend to be slower ... which means I can study at work ... that whole two birds, one stone thing is handy ...
As crazy as people think I am ... I think the pros far outweigh the cons ...